
Artistic Shirts

Here are some of the shirts we made that I consider a little more artsy. If you want to check out all of our shirts, go check out our myspace site. For most of our shirts, we use basic stencils, like the bottom one and the one with the hands. But for the other two, we use a silk screening method that is really neat.


Maidenbot Penmark

This one is my first comprehensive pieces. It took me a few days to think of what to draw, then another week, three hours a day to finish. This was really fun to make, but the hardest part was keeping it asymmetrical. Notice the balance in the chaos.

Connect the Dots

For this piece I used spray paint and pen. I put different sized circular objects on the mat and then I sprayed around it. After that I filled in the paintless circles with pen and then added color.

The Eye

So this is my first post. I created this peice rather quickly. I threw the black paint onto the mat, then used my paintball gun (minus the ammo) to blow the paint around. Then I used pens to create the eye and the little rainbow city going on to the right.